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УДК 159.9, 616.89


Vladimir N. Tretyakov
, Web Institute of Intellectual Technologies by ISPU "IAIT",
Corr. Member, Intern. Acad. of Gerontology

Published in Intern. J. Appl. & Fundam. Res., 2016, #6


A ground to master the subject entitled gives a bigger realization of the very essential factors of evolution process and their inter-relations. For higher animals, the first, the cognitive principle of tolerance in brainy work, follows from the all-biological principle of tolerance (“Nature is tolerant to distinctions in the alive world”), the second, the principle of near-dominance (or of smallness of attention’s volume) in activity of the animals’ brain, is predefined by eliminating evolution selection. For human beings, appearances of these factors proved to be the same cognitive principle of tolerance (CPT) and the shortage of panoramic thinking (SPT). All the human history may be seen then as overcoming the SPT, with cognitive tolerant captures (CTCs) as the tools for this overcoming. It is argued that the CTCI as the universal mechanism of all psychical processes turns into the instrument in the process of cognition. All this permits to propose the Mentallion to contain CPT, CTC, and SPT as a conception to create a base for theoretical psychology for it to be able to give an answer to the global challenges.
Keywords: Cognitive principle of tolerance, tolerant capture, shortage of panoramic thinking, insight-technology, Mentallion concept.

Concept of Mentallion to study the human psyche in norm and pathology

That was A. Einstein’s who said more than half century ago: “The most incomprehensive thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.”. It might be apprehended as hidden challenge thrown down at cognitive scientists. The concept of Mentallion [5.9] permits to realize that the world appears to be more comprehensible owing just to a better understanding of the very comprehensibility.
The very term Mentallion contaminating MENTALity and LION is to express non destroyed linkage of human mentality with its animal origin.

The state of psychological knowledge gives cause to think about theoretical psychology as a topical problem. Thus, after L.M. Vekker [24] almost all psychological theories available turn out too split up, mutually not bound and sometimes contradicting one another. It is remarked as well a breach between psychology of psychical processes and that of the person [5]. An approach to theoretical psychology was given by V.M. Allahverdov in [1.1], with characteristic sub-title: “In the genre of scientific revolution”. The book should be mentioned here even if because of a roll-call of its title with that of the paper, in spite of the very author of the book characterized its full title as “twice ironic”. Though this book is to some degree “declarations about intentions”, there are there nevertheless several principles that are apperceived as a vision of a future theoretical psychology’s grounds. These principles to be shared by the paper’s author, might be considered as V.M. Allahverdov’s contribution to the future theoretical psychology. (See ad hoc Appendix C: Discussion on the logic of cognition). Explicit presentation of the main factors defining human cognitive abilities and their root-evolutionary causes [23.15] permits to consider them as a ground for theoretical psychology. Fundamental textbook on the cognitive science [25] to contain no mention about evolution correlates of human psychical features and their modern forms confirms the novelty of such the complex approach [23.15, 23.19]. Moreover, just such new awareness gives ground to change paradigm of cognitive psychology, for it, in circumstances of global human crisis, to take into itself cognitive imperative of making for civilization survival [23.17]. The hard circumstances make think about it. Thus, after estimations [13], one billion human population, not more, would be apt only to reach sustainable development. The very title of the book [13] may be apprehended as a catastrophic prophecy, and in [15] the answer was given why. Nevertheless, one may speak about responsibility of the science to be taken – just because of those civilization omissions, i.e. for tens and more years “closed discoveries” that being found and employed would give humankind resources of all- civilization development to cope with global problems [23.10]. The confidence in this is supported as by the temporal analysis of history of scientific discoveries [20] as well as hampered perception by scientific communities of ideas carrying out radical novelties [23.4].

Evolutionary Correlates of the Human Mental Abilities

Such the promotion to their familiarizing is proposed: some theses together with PROs supporting each of them.

I. There is the human mind’s imperfectness having the character of an atavism.

Pro 1. One may admit it is so because Homo Sapiens, having got the very successful animal species, came mostly out of the press of the eliminating selection, so human’s mentality appeared to remain nearby to animals’ one [23.5].

Pro 2. There is an isomorphism between the human face and the animal snout being seen in their similarity and maximal nearness of the main organs of senses (eyes, hears, nose, tongue) to the governing organ, the brain [23.17].

Pro 3. Structurally, the human brain is quite near to that of animals, just because of this a unique zone in human cortex revealed recently [10] is small: “Ox¬ford Uni¬vers¬ity re¬search¬ers have iden¬ti¬fied a small zone at the very front of the hu¬man brain that looks un¬like an¬y¬thing in the brains of some of our clos¬est mon¬key rel¬a¬tives.”

Pro 4. Albert Einstein would support the thought about brainy atavism as he was sure: “The significant problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”

II. There is causes to name this atavism the shortage of panoramic thinking [23.10, 23.13].

Pro 1. Our animal forebears were surely characterized by a small attention’s volume as being in correspondence with frequent extreme situations of their life in conditions of the eliminating natural selection, and signs of this SPT are seen everywhere (intentact.webs.com/spt_signs.htm).

Pro 2. Characteristic time of the human sensory memory is compared with 0.5 s [16]. It is inherited by us from those times when our forbears had to scan all about to avoid dangers.

Pro 3. Law 7+2 about (i.e. not too big) human capacity for processing information [18] is nearly about the same.

Pro 4. It is proposed to juxtapose: “Errare humanum est”; our too hasty both conclusions and actions; our “ability” to overlook even most essential things – for then to have seen that all these are appearances of the SPT.

Pro 5. Enormous distribution span of human intelligent qualities -- from idiots, stupid, foolish, “so-so”, clever, gifted, and up to geniuses -- might get such because of excluding Homo sapiens’ brains (fully or almost fully) out of the evolution selection.

III. In the living nature is acting All-Biological Principle of Tolerance: Phase space’s volume of a species’ features is some not zero value [23.5, 23.15]. Pro 1. Manifold of the life’s appearance, millions of animal and vegetable species, the very biological taxonomy make formulate: Nature is not intend to create the single perfect organism to cloner it then, i.e. Nature is tolerant to diversity in the alive world [23.5, 23.21]. Pro 2. The rule of contraries may be used to show impossibility for a species to live in a changed environment having no diversity by the species’ signs [23.15]. Pro 3. It was American ecologist Victor Shelford who published in 1911 something similar, the ecological law of tolerance [6]. It sounds: “Each organism --whether the individual or the species population --is subject to an ecological minimum, maximum, and optimum for any specific environmental factor or complex of factors. The range from minimum to maximum represents the limits of tolerance for the factor or complex." Pro 4. Tolerance as a phenomenon in the living nature has wide distribution. Tolerance appears every time already at cell level when sperms are allowed to enter into an egg; males and females of the same species as a rule are tolerant one to another; mothers more than tolerant to their children; even pistil and stamen appear to be tolerant sufficiently to be joint.

IV. Principle of tolerance in the work of the brain expresses, in particular, its capacity not to remark, to neglect, not to take into account differences / distinctions between things being like, similar, comparable or analogous.

Pro 1. It was mathematician J. Bronowski who wrote in his book “The Principle of Tolerance” published in 1977 (see [3]): “The Principle of Uncertainty is a bad name. In science or outside of it we are not uncertain; our knowledge is merely confined, within a certain tolerance. We should call it the Principle of Tolerance”.

Pro 2. For us to use Principle of Tolerance, there is a root cause not only because of it is better than the principle of uncertainty. The cause is that all-biological principle of tolerance (ABPT) governing in the live nature [23.5, 23.21] must have touched the brain, and the Psychological Principle of Tolerance (PPT) does show itself among people [23.5, 23.15].

Pro 3. Appearances of PPT are seen within any animal species as collective existence is evolutionary justified when individuals of a species are mutually tolerant.

Pro 4. There is the work [26] where the supposition is said out that “sufficient near states of the brain define the same thought”, so these states forms a tolerant space, as such being an object of the authors-mathematicians’ interest.

Pro 5. A case of implicit use of PPT is given in [1.2] where the term “the zone of realized disregarding of differences” is used to present the law of classification: “Everything to be realized is realized necessary via belonging to a class and identified with other members of the class.”

Pro 6. All-biological character of the principle “Nature is tolerant to differences” permitted to propose (via the DPI/UN) an insertion (intentact.webs.com/UNESCO_plus.htm) into the substantiating part of the UNESCO Declaration of principles on tolerance (1995) in order to strengthen the meaning of the document.

To realize better

Here is to show in action the complex approach [23.15, 23.17, 23.20] what permit to present this article with such challenging title. We can remark that the principle of representation is usable among us. It is when a representative identified by us (for a time and not fully) with that it represents. Thus, a name for us is identified with the bearer of the name, a title of a book presents the very book, a bank account – the money saved under this account, a trade mark – the company, a country’s name – the very country.

Essentially, a term and its sense (definition) forms similar pair as well. It is a reason to name this principle cognitive as having to do with investigating cognition. However strangely it is, this cognitive principle of tolerance (CPT) is acting among animals as well. Really, they can identify an alarming cry with a danger and a smell with the food having this smell. So, as well as people they are ruled by CTP, too. And for us and for animals to follow CPT means to be able, in processes of cognizing the world, to accomplish cognitive tolerant captures (CTCs) of the subject type and control their results with appraising CTCs [23.19, 23.20]. The same inference about CPT and CTCs, as defining life activity of beings with the brain, follows from considerations given in [23.21] where the cause-effect connection has been shown between the all-biological principle of tolerance (OBPT) and CPT. It means that because of such straightforward evolution origin, CPT is ready to get the all-psychological principle of tolerance (APPT). To underline the said: just as owing ABPT had been created the life on Earth, like this owing APPT human beings with their Reason had created the civilization.

ABPT and CPT are neared as well because of the common root cause [23.21]: near-dominant character of the brainy activity to be inevitable in conditions of the eliminating selection, with its plenty of extreme situations. In result, narrow volume of attention to be advantage in the wild nature, is for human beings, in conditions of civilization, already atavism [23.19, 23.13] what appears itself as the shortage of panoramic thinking.

Presenting the Shortage of Panoramic Thinking

This presentation is done taking into account together circumstances revealed in the human evolution prehistory [23.5], J. Warfield’s Mentomology of mindbugs [25] with its “evolutionary” replenishment (intentact.webs.com/spt_mentom.htm), and the evolutionary correlates of human mentality [23.15]. All this shows that the SPT is something more than the narrow-mindedness only as its appearances much wider.
Latin figures below (I to IX) refer to classes of “mindbugs”, Arabic ones -- to more specific their manifesting. “Bugs” described by John Warfield are marked as (JW).


I. Affinity to All-Encompassing Hierarchic Organization in All Spheres of the Life and at Any Social System

1* Since times of tribe existence, people use the dominant-subdominant form for their organizations.

2* Presence of gods as the highest hierarchs in human consciousness to fill in their physical absence in the world.

II. Mood to Using Binary (Black-White) Logics in Words and Dealing

1* (JW) Affinity to all-encompassing dichotomies.

2* Misconstruing something another as diametrically opposed.

III. Getting Confused at Thinking When Quantity of Objects of Thought Excesses a Quite Not Big Number

1* Narrowed volume of attention. both outer and inner, in comparison with normally narrow, at psychological tensions.

2* Unawareness of flaw lexemes existence in any language.

3* (JW) Irresponsible propagation of under-conceptualized themes.

4* “Careful” transfer of delusions, errors, myths and beliefs from one generation to next.

5* Possibility of long / permanent existing language “bugs” (defect words / lexemes).

6* (JW) Misinterpretation of linguistic adequacy of natural language.

7* Wide using of trial-and-error method both for researching and out-of-researching goals. IV. Affinity to Hasty Both Mental and Behavioral Actions 1* Enormous lagging synthetic activity behind analytical. 2* Logical mistakes being usually those of hasty conclusion. 3* (JW) Aversion to deep thought. 4* (JW) Leaping to Misassociations. 5* (JW) Affinity to unstructured discussions. 6* (JW) Misattribution to consensus. V. Ever-Presenting a Widely Understood Interest Doing its Impact onto Mental Activity 1* Distortion of one’s arguing and inferences when material interest is presenting. 2* Perversion of one’s train of thought when from conclusion done depends one’s life, fate or social position. 3* Tendency to explain wars and other crimes by considerations of fairness and higher interests. 4* Believing in the truth of preferable and not-believing in the truth of undesirable (F. Bacon’s Idol of Human Race).

VI. Intention to Get Even If an Illusion of Understanding or Orientation in the World

1* Attractiveness of metaphors, quotes, dictums, comparisons being widely used in interlocutions.

2. Demand for images and pictures (drawn or mental ones) when thinking process is stopped without of absence of mutual understanding.

VII. Inclination of Under-Using the Mind

1* Adherence to ritual ceremonies, meetings, sessions, conferences etc. where the majority are only present at.

2* The highest interest for events and shows (command / individual competitions, and variety performances) demanding only non-burdensome mental convoy of the perceived.

3* Affinity to think by rote, to misuse mental automatisms.

4* Demand of intercourse with talking “about nothing”.

VIII. Otherness as Provoking to Experience Alienation, Estrangement, Xenophobe, and Hostility

1* There always are under psychological tension frontiers dividing people of different faiths, nationalities, cultures, social strata.

2* Prevailing criticism over self-criticism.

3* Different mindsets causing phenomenon of intellectual clusters’ forming among intelligent people and hampering their union for cooperation [2].

4* Emotional sphere to be innate that supports these appearances.

IX. Just Because of SPT as All-Human Feature, SPT Is Until Realized as the Main Civilization Threat

1* Distorted trending to aggressiveness, formerly biologically expedient, getting more and more dangerous for humanity.

2* Unawareness of the verbal aggressiveness [22] doing Human the very aggressive animal.

3* SPT individual to be acting at any group level doesn’t give to realize imperative necessity of intelligent web planetary resource to reveal civilization omissions and counteract civilization threats (intentact.webs.com/abstrct.htm). For realizing a better, what does mean to live with SPT? Because of SPT [23.13]: • people can debate long time with no result;
• PR services propose advertising texts what later appear to be anti-advertising, to great surprise of those who have prepared it;
• MPs adopt laws what need corrections shortly after their appearance. As for politicians, they always have found human material for recruiting adherents;
• a murderer almost always is able to justify the murder performed;
• heads of state can't come to agreements with others heads of state – how to avoid wars, and with own peoples – how to avoid revolutions;
• there are people who, after having lived almost all the life, suddenly realize that their lives were for nothing.
The list may be gone on.
But having SPT appears to have positive consequences. Really:
* people realized since prehistoric times that panoramas of their thinking and cognition are limited by their ignorance – and learning and teaching were honored as necessary kinds of activity;
* it had been realized as well that overcoming SPT, i.e. thinking in more panoramic way, more self-critically, avoiding illusions and prejudices means to remove further horizons of unknown, and in result the science and inventiveness arose and got necessary convoy of human existence;
* people live not only governed by reason, but as well by passions being included into the huge complex of SPT phenomena. The art based wholly on Reason only would be poorer, hardly at all might arise and be claimed;
* owing to SPT there is such vast and pleasant phenomenon as the humor. Realizing others' under-thinking to be remarked as absurdities and thoughtlessness of spoken or written language permits humorists to think “for others” and think up as-if-absurdities and as-though-thoughtlessness to cause a comic effect. So, the evolutionary secret of humor is in essence just in playing on SPT, if concretely, on weak ability to confront one things with another [23.9]. Today Colorado psychologists confirmed this inference (didn’t know about its existence) testing publicly effects of social norms’ violations with preliminarily instructed volunteers [12, 17].

About Cognitive Tolerant Captures As a Term

It is proven [23.17] that tolerant captures and sub-tolerant inclusion as concepts are scientific metaphors having 4 of 5 features to be associated with such the metaphors.
Cognitive t-inclusion as a term with the verbal noun to means a process and a result of the process generalizes two terms, categorization and category. Generalized character of CTI appears as well in that it has to do both with people and animals. Animals themselves had been forming their species, the taxonomy gave them the names only. It means that ABPT – Nature is tolerant to inner-species differences [23.5, 23.15, 23.21] – for animals with brains turns into the cognitive principle of tolerance (CPT). For CPT as a principle to get presenting in the psychology explicitly, there were some possibilities what were omitted (see [23.10, 23.18]). So, there are stimuli to realize that owing to CPT we intercourse and understand one another, gain life experience (see Appendix B), and the very civilization exists [23.16].
As if confirming the thesis on scientific omissions of whole civilization significance [23.10], the psychological science to use principle of tolerance implicitly does not give it some explicit articulation (see [23.13, 23.15]). Even word “tolerance” is used in psychological papers and textbooks only in connection with physiological and socio-physiological notions as steadiness, endurance, pliancy, tactfulness, toleration, self-possession, but not as with the main features of the human brain to be tolerant to differences within some frameworks (see [23.15]).
Thus, in a wide review [4] of the tolerance as a term, even when cognitive and creative components of tolerance being mentioned, the tolerance was understood only in connection with one’s representation about oneself, about the world and one’s place in the world (cognitive component) and with one’s responsibility, flexibility of thinking, maturity of the thought (creative component).
There is a sense to consider cognitive sub-tolerant captures (or cognitive t-separations) as substructures of any CTC. As for psychological tolerant captures (PTIs), these are used to compare things of the same kind, i.e. considered as similar, resembling, alike, in some sense near. The very important cause for humanity to use PTC is verbal communication when some word, spoken or written, is understood by many people in spite of differences between its pronunciations, writings, and its ‘auras’.
In accordance with the said above, PTCs in our mental space accomplish when area of mental actions is default evident. For example, when comparison is done between some definitions of the same concept. Nevertheless, though areas of mental activity executed with PTCs are overlapped by those of CTCs, the former notion is for using as well when of a significance is to underline their differences.
Each of us is very nearly contiguous to CTCs. Therefore, it would be absolutely improbable if your ability to accomplish CTCs was not shown in your personal computer. And such the ability is really seen as there are there file shortcuts (names) and corresponding them files (contents), command shortcuts (combinations of keystrokes) and corresponding PC actions (executed commands) -- for you to have easier access to information, commands, and information processing in general. Nothing to say, each of us have in the head the very explanatory dictionary where a word has been memorized with its sense(s), and some people have such dictionaries even several, by number of languages known.

Tolerant Captures Classification

These t-captures may be [23.15]: • by the principle applied: cognitive, psychological, and psycho-physiological (both last to be varieties of the first);

• by accomplishment: accomplished (process) and complete (result of the process);

• by the function realized: objective and appraising; • by number of sub-t-inclusions involved: binary, ternary, quaternary, etc.;

• by intentionality: intentional (voluntary) and unintentional (involuntary);

• by relation to time: time-regular (accomplished in time) and time-irregular;

• by participation of consciousness: conscious and non-conscious;

• by presence of an algorithm: algorithmic and non-algorithmic;

• by precedence: primary (early not used) and customary;

• by preparedness: trial and adjusted;

• by purposefulness: current (life-providing) and special-aimed (all the last).

In particular, accomplished t-captures may be: by directedness -- sub-directed (looking for sub-t-captures and/or classification) and over-directed (looking for over-t-capture and categorization), by result -- covering (wider tolerance’s frameworks) and narrowing (at when sub-t-captures realized or found); objective t-captures by control used may be: appraised and non-appraised.
More exemplifying, time-regular cognitive t-captures are accomplished when we are in the state of vigilance and let our both consciousness and attention change currently their scopes, or speaking our own or hearing others’ speeches, or doing after an algorithm planned before, or watching for development of some events. Correspondingly, time-irregular cognitive t-captures permit us to think, learn and investigate, gain the life experience, appraise ourselves and others, juxtapose the seen and the heard with that restored in our memory, try making some affairs at once.
According the classification, the very Classification of T-captures, with this name including, is an example of a complex t-inclusion having adjectives: cognitive, complete, objective, non-appraised, 11-ary, intentional, time-irregular, narrowing, conscious, non-algorithmic, primary, adjusted, special-aimed.

Something about the Estimating t-Captures

- Our nearest ancestors, monkeys, might not pass us genetically such the predisposition, because “ability” to live with psychical disorders in the wild nature was and is incompatible with the eliminating character of the evolution; as for about 45 millennia (the time of Homo Sapiens existence), these were too short term for the evolution to have formed such “ability”.

- Enormous diapason of differences on mental quality among people -- since idiots and imbeciles up to gifted and geniuses -- may be considered as a right evidence that genetic evolution on Reason was and is absent.

- Psychical norm and pathology are very near. Really, somebody may “came out of oneself” (i.e. to experience a kind of depersonalizing), have idées fixes and obstinately hear melodies or lines of a poems (i.e. have “soft” symptom of importunity), be in the state of as-if autism in while of being deeply involved into a creative occupation.

- Similar post-evolution predisposition to cancer sicknesses [5.6] human beings gained having built ”heat-loving” civilization, though the very appearance both of Homo Sapiens and human civilization stood possible owing (without parentheses) to cruel conditions of Great Cold of long Ice Centuries [5.10].

>Post-evolution psychiatry

Post-evolution predisposition to psychical disorders gives the ground to revise the very approach to their etiology [5.11]. It appears then that there are factors, this predisposition aggravating: stresses, psychotic traumas, maiming – among factors of exogenous kind; weak type of nervous system, aging, labile character of psyche, lingering somatic illnesses – among factors of endogenous kind. So, factors of both kinds are inseparable and making for realization of the predisposition as acting always together.
There is then a ground to present a phenomenon of Egogeny, i.e. the cause of initiation / aggravation of a psychical disorder when one accomplishes inadequate reflection to some psychogenic exogenous-endogenous impacts, even when somatic health doesn’t give organic causes for a person to get psychical ill [5.11].

Acting “subjects” of that Egogenic “tragedy” are:

Shortage of Panoramic Thinking (SPT) that carries out his history since pre-people’s times. SPT is aggravated at any one’s psychical tension;

Involuntary Objective Cognitive Tolerant Capture (IOCTC) to have Diffused Attention as his “bearer” accomplishes in obstinate manner his captures both in outer and inner mental spaces; has very ancient relatives among animals; is very curious in looking for something new, unusual and unhealthy interest to see dangerous, terrible wherever;
Voluntary Objective Cognitive Tolerant Capture (VOCTC) that had begun acting after when people had mastered speech, not earlier; sees his use in helping them to discourse about problems arisen;

Involuntary Estimating Cognitive Tolerant Inclusion (IECTC) to have some million age is querulous, all-condemning pessimist; helps people to be in Egogenic state and move to their psychical disorders;

Voluntary Estimating Cognitive Tolerant Capture (VECTI) that wants for people all good and believes in truth of preferable; as young, only some millennia old, is instable and frequently wined by IECTI. In [5.11] some concrete examples are given to show how “psychiatric drama” with these acting “subjects” ends for a person with that or other psychical disorder.

align="center">Egogeny may be with the sign plus

However strangely it is, the principle of post-evolution human predisposition to psychical disorders is rather optimistic than pessimistic, as, in particular, one may know, bear in mind, and use the factors of counteracting to the predisposition until a psychical disorder gets a medical fact. It means side by side with reflection begetting Egogeny, may be another reflection, Egogeny-plus, with orientation onto self-prophylaxis, and even therapy and self-therapy directed by psychiatrists.
In [5.11] a dozen of heuristics how to avert psychical disorders and/or overcome them are given. Here are some of them (explanations omitted):

* To realize SPT as the very dangerous narrow specialization of the Reason, even if existential meta-problem of the civilization [5.7].

* To see in own anxiety, obsessions, feelings of crash or unhappiness etc. only one of hasty thinking’s appearances as a feature of the same SPT.

* To have a sureness that our psyche is able not only “to help” in initiation and inculcating of psychical disorders, but as well avert them and overcome.

* To strive for the panoramic thinking [5.7], at that in different senses -- spatial, temporal, or/and conceptual ones, realizing that for us is customary to overestimate meaning of “here and now”, i.e. to attach too big importance to current events and concrete circumstances of the life.

* To consider appearances of own psychical unhealthy state as a cause to elucidate how in the best way to use own gift of the reflection for psychical regulation.

* To carry out mobile way of life and to give own organism everyday coolness “load”.

* To pay attention not only interrelations with others, but to master as well the culture of interrelation with own self.

There is a subject in [5.11] as well on the sleep and like-sleep states in the aspect of Egogeny-plus aimed to withstand anxiousness, breach of the sleep, and nightmares. Being based on differential equation for the level of vigilance [5.1], the subject gets in [5.11] a new interpretation and enforcing in terms of Mentallion [5.9], i.e. OCTIs and ECTIs, both involuntary and voluntary.

Attempt to classify psychical disorders newly

The foundation for such the classification to propose gives the integral factor of obstinacy, always influencing the human psyche because of incompatibility between civilization conditions of existence and those when the “animal compound” of human nature had been formed. A consideration to count the obstinacy the main feature of psychical disorders is as well that it is acting among so called psychically healthy people, more correctly: being in premorbid states. Thus, there is the first classification base to differ obstinacies by degree of their nearness to psychical disorders: the obstinacy may be premorbid or morbid.
Varieties of premorbid obstinacies: conditionally reflective (i.g. automatism), memetic, ritual, confessional, behavioral, socially both normalized and not normalized, intentionally and unintentionally directed, addictions, etc.

Here is given a fuller listing of morbid obstinacies replenishing those in [5.11]: symptomatic (defining disorder anxious, phobic, panic, depressive, addictive, etc.) and syndromatic ones (defining disorders alarm-phobic, schizophrenic, bipolar-affective, maniacal-depressive, obsessive-compulsive, hallucinatory-paranoiac, etc.); behavioral and mentalinitial and replaced; subjectively both positive and negativeobjectively both positive and negative.

Additional argument to take the obstinacy as a base for classification is importunate character of the attention. It is not only psychical process per se, but “bearer” of all psychical processes as well. At state of vigilance the attention is always present, outer or innernon-directed (disseminated) or directed (active). Naturally, elementary acts of attention are the same CTCs, voluntary or involuntary, objective or estimating, in all their manifold.


There is a cause to express disagreement with the very title of V.P. Samokhvalov’s book [4]: human psychical disorders may not have a base in “evolutionary biological mechanisms” [4, p. 106] as psychoses in animals may not evolve because of eliminating character of evolution separation [5.11]. As well incorrect is that psychoses gained by animals in experiments on destroying their conditional reflexes are “the right argument” for such mechanisms. On the contrary, experimental psychoses prove just post-evolution etiology of psychoses in people where incompatibility as well acts between human nature and civilization conditions.

In R.À. Yevsegneyev’s opinion [7, p. 150], the biologically inherited by us anxiety “has undoubted biologically expediency as predicting on danger and mobilizing the organism to accomplish those or other actions.” Let’s take into account, however, that the feeling of anxiety accompanying somatic illness and entering into structure of other psychical disorders” is turned, as a prediction, into something opposite – into a way to prolong and enforce the anxiety.

S.E. Davtyan in [3] proposed “the principle of reality” for a psychiatrist at working with a patient, what means “to enter into its feelings and reconstruct his reality.” But if to take into consideration that such emotional “entering” into ill psyche is already a kind of empathy, such manner to treat may look like as dangerous for psychical health of the very psychiatrist. (About “contagiousness” of psychical disorders knew already G. Lebon. See about it in [5.11]).

As for “systems crisis in the psychiatry because of the lack of its real paradigm [3], then it may be helped. It is the principle of post-evolution human predisposition to psychical disorders that may be proposed as such the paradigm, for it, together with Mentallion tools, to get a ground for creating and forming the post-evolution psychiatry. The above said gives an evidence that the adverb in this term is a constant epithet, as an other psychiatry is not given people.

How S.E. Davtyan gives evidence in [3], “our clinical terminology is absolutely not accommodated to describe the norm. Just because of it, with dispirited inevitability, emerges a break in description of coming-to-be process of a sickness, though being continuous in its nature.” Theoretical psychiatry with the named above principle of the predisposition [5.11], together with Mentallion concept [5.9] as its instrument, might be used in resolving this problem as well – just because of that ECTCs and OCTCs, both voluntary and involuntary, are acting as in morbid states as well as in premorbid ones.


Principle of post-evolution human predisposition to psychical disorders to be considered as basic one in the paradigm of renewed psychiatry, gives a stimuli for it to develop as a theoretical science, and as clinical as well as psycho-therapeutic practices. Egogenic etiology actualizes the problem of forming the psychological culture of interrelation someone with oneself and gives a ground for Egogeny-plus, a new prophylaxis and self-prophylaxis of psychical disorders. Mentallion concept [5.9]. being accepted as a new paradigm of cognitive science [5.4], is seen to be apt for Egogeny-plus as well.

For psychical disorders to have no organic base the very essential etiologic factor stands Egogeny, i.e. that self-injuring psychotic influence what may be turned into influence of self-treating, into Egogeny-plus, including self-psychotherapy directed by a psychiatrist. Arguments with using CTIs, both involuntary and voluntary, permit to assert that disorders of Egogenic etiology should be very characteristic for people not old, i.e. workable. This and about 27% of psychical ills in countries of West Europe on data of 2004 [7, p. 22] are as well the right evidence that psychiatric help is until sufficient nor effective. All this together was likely to be one of causes for the WB in 2016 to take a part in the WHO 2013—2020 plan to better psychical health, with a motto: “Making Mental Health a Global Priority” [6].


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